Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Living a life with super power

My results:
You are Grayson Bohlender (who we all know is Spider Man!)

Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility. And you have a serious Febreezing problem.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

Friday, March 13, 2009

As if my companions haven't captured the moment...

As if the Facebooks, Twitters, and blogs of my companions haven't captured the moment stunningly, I will reluctantly describe this experience. The experience is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime thing - well, hopefully anyway. Lets just say by the end of the two week vacation, we will need a vacation from our vacation. Of course, I'm telling you this from Atlanta, not our final destination - Vero Beach.

Does this mean I'm not fond of this trip? NO STINKING WAY!! There is nothing like the feeling of the grease on your fingers, head out the window, and occasionally, with babies, poop on your lap. Plus, the adventure is fun. Did I say fun? I meant mega-fun. If you went on the Lewis & Clark expedition, the Columbus voyage, and were in Cabeza de Vaca's ship, you might be qualified. So thats why we have SuperNannies - Katrina Styles and Annie Peterson. Why are they so qualified? Well, one reason - they are breve enough to take on the job. Another - they've IHOPpers. For non-IHOPpers, they are used to families the size of the DC branch of the SWAT team. Not to mention the intensity of the SWAT team.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Children Have Power... a new song I wrote.

The children hold power, hold power, hold power. The children hold power, Heavenly power. That power holds glory, holds glory, holds glory. That power holds glory, God given glory. That glory holds worship, holds worship, holds worship. That glory holds worship, heart-crafted worship. That worship holds freedom, that worship is freedom, the children hold freedom, their are key to FREEDOM!! DADADA!! Through prophecy, not democracy, and preaching, and teaching, their are KEY TO FREEDOM! (CHORUS) 

The End...!!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

School Newspaper

Hey guys! I'm just blogging to tell you I'm in the school newspaper, and if you have any photos of IHOP conferences, semonars, or church services, we are kinda focusing around those things, and I would love those pics. Just email me them... Thanks! Grayson

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas - What and Why?

Ok, guys. I know that about every other blog in the ENTIRE country has an identical blog post about how it's more blessed to give than to receive. But, I also know you don't come to my blog to learn about what I'm thinking. But, I can't be different from the rest of the country. Some people might call me "odd", or even worse, "different". And also, in honor of the 2nd group, I'll make it normal.

But back to the title, Christmas is definetley a time to receive. I am not going to argue with that. Ever. But it is also a time to remember Christ's birth. You don't need to read all of Mathew and Lukes passage of Christ, in a cipher code, in the original Hebrew language to remember it. You can read the passages, already deciphered, in your own, native language. Sure, you can buy gift after gift, and get gift after gift. Well, that didn't really hit wha I meant to hit, but you get the point. Amen. Let's Stand.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Revelation Face-Off: Get Ready to Feel the Thunder!

Well, I got an invitation for the Sunday Night, FCF, Revelation Face-Off. Even with my incredible, outstanding, and ever-flowing knowledge of this book, my mom is my opponent. Unless you just Googled "Nerdy Blockhead" and found my blog, you know that my incredible, outstanding, and everflowing knowledge is against my moms is like putting an ant next to a wild boare and expecting the underdogs victory. Not that I'm not confident, because believe me, I have the confidence of that ant, but lets just say my mom studies Revelation in her spare time. Thank God she doesn't have much with 6 1/2 (1/2 meaning one in development) children on her hands.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Political Prayers

Check out this website!

