Ok, guys. I know that about every other blog in the ENTIRE country has an identical blog post about how it's more blessed to give than to receive. But, I also know you don't come to my blog to learn about what I'm thinking. But, I can't be different from the rest of the country. Some people might call me "odd", or even worse, "different". And also, in honor of the 2nd group, I'll make it normal.
But back to the title, Christmas is definetley a time to receive. I am not going to argue with that. Ever. But it is also a time to remember Christ's birth. You don't need to read all of Mathew and Lukes passage of Christ, in a cipher code, in the original Hebrew language to remember it. You can read the passages, already deciphered, in your own, native language. Sure, you can buy gift after gift, and get gift after gift. Well, that didn't really hit wha I meant to hit, but you get the point. Amen. Let's Stand.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Revelation Face-Off: Get Ready to Feel the Thunder!
Well, I got an invitation for the Sunday Night, FCF, Revelation Face-Off. Even with my incredible, outstanding, and ever-flowing knowledge of this book, my mom is my opponent. Unless you just Googled "Nerdy Blockhead" and found my blog, you know that my incredible, outstanding, and everflowing knowledge is against my moms is like putting an ant next to a wild boare and expecting the underdogs victory. Not that I'm not confident, because believe me, I have the confidence of that ant, but lets just say my mom studies Revelation in her spare time. Thank God she doesn't have much with 6 1/2 (1/2 meaning one in development) children on her hands.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Our Nation. Our Government. Our Leader??
Okay, it's not that I am totally UN-patriotic. I'm not going to come and ruin your July 4 picnic, disrupt the fireworks, and claim that America's government is really a secret society, stop paying taxes, and were all going to die. I'm just saying that, as Zion puts it, "If Obama is elected, the End Times are coming fast." And now he's elected. Are the End Times coming fast? FAST LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN!
Well, there's wars -Iraq and Afghanistan. Theres famine in Africa. Theres Hatred. Lets just wait and see!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day- Was it worth it?
Today, the two candidates- John McCain and Barrack Obama - are asking the questions that every other candidates were asking at their parties convention - "If we lose, was it worth it?". Not only is ALL the pressure on him, as I said in a recent post, extra pressure is there. Billions of dollars have been spent on this election - millions of them from there own pockets. When you step up to the ballot box today, think about that. Hundreds of Billions of dollars have been spent on this election. Just saying, may the best man win... I take that back. Even if McCain is not the best man, let him win... Thats better.
Friday, October 31, 2008
California: Part 1
We are in California for The Call. We got her last night. Here are some highlights
1. We got to the airport. On the plane, I sat next to someone that didn't wuite grasp the full concept of "prayer meeting". I guess they were caught up in the Halloween spirit! Creepy.
2. We went to a prayer meeting. I saw Jacob Engle for the first time in a month. It was fun to see all the Cause/Call people, and for them to see the twins.
3. After much anticipation, we head to dinner. We're in California, why not burgers?
4. My mom decides that after a Chick-fill-a lunch, she "couldn't handle" In-N-Out. Bummer.
5. Zoe drinks soda. Alot of soda. Give a 2 year old 2 cups of soda, she's clapping everytime the phone rings.
6. We actually GO to In-N-Out!
7. And we EAT!!!
*Fast-food Mexican is not natrual. Chipotle is an obvious exception. Goodbye, Rubios.
1. We got to the airport. On the plane, I sat next to someone that didn't wuite grasp the full concept of "prayer meeting". I guess they were caught up in the Halloween spirit! Creepy.
2. We went to a prayer meeting. I saw Jacob Engle for the first time in a month. It was fun to see all the Cause/Call people, and for them to see the twins.
3. After much anticipation, we head to dinner. We're in California, why not burgers?
4. My mom decides that after a Chick-fill-a lunch, she "couldn't handle" In-N-Out. Bummer.
5. Zoe drinks soda. Alot of soda. Give a 2 year old 2 cups of soda, she's clapping everytime the phone rings.
6. We actually GO to In-N-Out!
7. And we EAT!!!
*Fast-food Mexican is not natrual. Chipotle is an obvious exception. Goodbye, Rubios.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Samuel Judah Engle. You might know him as Samuel Judah Jabez Engle.
Grayson Bohlender's Scientific Thoughts #1 -E=MC2. Now what?
Everybody, I'm starting a new series! It will only be for this year, though. I will start a new series every year. Every once in awhile, I'll post my thoughts on science and it's advancement not that I'm a real "science geek", but I am 1/2 hoping that Mrs. Lopez will stumble upon my blog, 1/2 just wanting to dump all of my science class notes & thoughts on to all of my readers. They aren't using big words, just the ones I know. Well, I hope you enjoy them.
E=MC2. Now What?
O.K., so I think Romes view of science during the Dark Ages is probably true right about now. Science has been totally discovered. We have an answer to almost every single question that we will ever use. So, as my title states, E=MC2. Now what? I don't think Rome was right about absolutely, positively OPPOSE science, I just think we need new ways to USE science. I think we should put ALL attention to applied science, and maybe we can get something USEFUL. Also, I
believe we, meaning America, it's government, and it's government supported programs should have more momentum towards other subjects, such as history and geometry and MAYBE we will have a better way of living. I believe this is our jobs not just as an American, but as a conservative Republican. We cannot always live in a one
E=MC2. Now What?
O.K., so I think Romes view of science during the Dark Ages is probably true right about now. Science has been totally discovered. We have an answer to almost every single question that we will ever use. So, as my title states, E=MC2. Now what? I don't think Rome was right about absolutely, positively OPPOSE science, I just think we need new ways to USE science. I think we should put ALL attention to applied science, and maybe we can get something USEFUL. Also, I

Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Elections: Pure Pressure
When I start thinking, that's not always a good thing. I've been thinking about the incredible pressure it would have to be a presidential candidate. I mean, seriously, I was sad when I was elected in the school elections. But the loss of this election is basically America saying "Ha, you fool. The majority of us don't think you are a good leader. We love the other candidate. Fool." I hate pressure.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Texting... genius. Pure genius. 160 characters of contact to someone else on any subject- cooking, technology, or even plumbing. In the last two or three years, texting has been a big "must" for teens and tweens. You go from 100/month, then 200, and finally unlimited. You can do Facebook and Twitter through text. I love it. But there are much to many people who don't get to join in this fad of "LOLling" and "OMGing". It's sort of sad. Texting is just a way of expressing deep emotion to one another. Please pray for the Louxes - Not Tracie, John, Nick, Taylor, or Isabelle have texting. Even though they have blogs, the are missing a big part of the 21st Century entertainment. LOL! (I'm joking about the LOL! Get it? Texting Abbreviations? Nevermind.)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Trying it out...
I think i can blog through the Facebook BlogIt!! Feature. Test. 1,2,34,55. To much politics. Monkeys. Disneyworld. Puppies. Eyebalss. EEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!
Twitter "Fail Whale"
You know it is an important time in America when Twitter has to bring up its "Fail Whale" page. Either that of "Technical Difficulties". I like the whale...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Vice President Debate
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