Monday, November 17, 2008

Political Prayers

Check out this website!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Nation. Our Government. Our Leader??

Okay, it's not that I am totally UN-patriotic. I'm not going to come and ruin your July 4 picnic, disrupt the fireworks, and claim that America's government is really a secret society, stop paying taxes, and were all going to die. I'm just saying that, as Zion puts it, "If Obama is elected, the End Times are coming fast." And now he's elected. Are the End Times coming fast? FAST LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN! 

Well, there's wars -Iraq and Afghanistan. Theres famine in Africa. Theres Hatred. Lets just wait and see!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day- Was it worth it?

Today, the two candidates- John McCain and Barrack Obama - are asking the questions that every other candidates were asking at their parties convention - "If we lose, was it worth it?". Not only is ALL the pressure on him, as I said in a recent post, extra pressure is there. Billions of dollars have been spent on this election - millions of them from there own pockets. When you step up to the ballot box today, think about that. Hundreds of Billions of dollars have been spent on this election. Just saying, may the best man win... I take that back. Even if McCain is not the best man, let him win... Thats better.