Friday, March 13, 2009

As if my companions haven't captured the moment...

As if the Facebooks, Twitters, and blogs of my companions haven't captured the moment stunningly, I will reluctantly describe this experience. The experience is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime thing - well, hopefully anyway. Lets just say by the end of the two week vacation, we will need a vacation from our vacation. Of course, I'm telling you this from Atlanta, not our final destination - Vero Beach.

Does this mean I'm not fond of this trip? NO STINKING WAY!! There is nothing like the feeling of the grease on your fingers, head out the window, and occasionally, with babies, poop on your lap. Plus, the adventure is fun. Did I say fun? I meant mega-fun. If you went on the Lewis & Clark expedition, the Columbus voyage, and were in Cabeza de Vaca's ship, you might be qualified. So thats why we have SuperNannies - Katrina Styles and Annie Peterson. Why are they so qualified? Well, one reason - they are breve enough to take on the job. Another - they've IHOPpers. For non-IHOPpers, they are used to families the size of the DC branch of the SWAT team. Not to mention the intensity of the SWAT team.

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